
The Circular Shift to a Sustainable Economy

Celebrating the Magnificent Chinar Tree

The City Forest of Chandigarh

Weaponising Water in Palestine

The Circular Shift to a Sustainable Economy


A Gold Standard for Ecological Recovery

India’s Sustainable Cooling Frontier 

Water Is No Longer Business as Usual 

A Gold Standard for Ecological Recovery


Building a Sustainable Future with Circular Economy Standards

Why Economic Models Miss Landlord Behaviour

Balancing Industrial Growth and Green Goals

Transforming Indian Cities Through Safer Streets 

Building a Sustainable Future with Circular Economy Standards

Beyond the Basics

What is Reverse Osmosis?

What is Agroecology? 

CBAM: What Is It and Why Is It Needed?

What is Ocean Literacy?

What is Reverse Osmosis?


Jake Threadgould
Editor-in-Chief, REVOLVE
Cosmina Marian
Communications Manager at BPIE
Josh Franklin-Mann
Freelance writer and former Communication Officer...
Helen Klimmek
EU Programme Officer at IUCN
Sören Bauer
President - Revolve Circular
Daniel de la Puente
Head of EU Projects at CNTA
Claude Turmes
Minister for Energy, and Minister for Spatial...
Katarina Uherova Hasbani
Co-Chair of Sustainable Energy Association of...
Vinita Suryanarayanan
Development Professional
Lucia Rua Saez
Junior Expert, Biodiversity & Nature-Based Solutions 
Mariana Couto
International Project Officer, ECOVALIA

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