
Opinions from thought leaders working on sustainable solutions

What’s Next for Trump’s Climate Agenda?

As the U.S. President begins his new term, fossil fuel expansion and retreat from global…

Hydrogen for Europe 

The path to sustainable European competitiveness for clean tech. Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech…

Construction for a Changing Climate

Expo City Dubai’s Terra combines sustainable architecture with innovation to be part of the climate…

Cultural Complexities of Phasing Out Coal in Europe

A just energy transition must take into account coal’s socio-cultural role in European mining communities.…

A Just Transition Powered by Citizens 

Energy communities should be part of the green (re)industrialization debate. Citizen ownership of the energy…

Turning the Tide: Collective Action in the Climate Crisis

As we face numerous ecological risks, the time for passive observation is over—our survival depends…

Energy Commons are an Alternative to Market-Driven Solutions 

A pathway to just and sustainable energy transitions.  Headlines in news outlets often herald progress…

Soil Health Restoration Needs Living Labs

Can soil-oriented living labs hold the key to reversing the devastating impacts of centuries of…

Towards Clean and Competitive Water Desalination Technologies 

Desalination is a part of the solution to addressing water scarcity in the European Union.…

Empathy Holds the Power to Humanize Science

Bridging science and society demands empathy, clear communication, and a shared commitment to accessible knowledge…

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Terminal energy deficiency in Pakistan. On the global scale, Pakistan falls in the bottom 25% in…

Rethinking Energy Transformation

A holistic perspective on energy transformation reveals the need for societal engagement alongside technical solutions.…

Addressing Ecocide, Genocide, and International Justice

ICC at a turning point on Israel’s crimes in Gaza. The destruction of Gaza is…

Paving the Way to a Sustainable India 

India is embarking on a transformative journey toward sustainability, with ambitious renewable energy goals and…

Future-Proofing Copenhagen

Danish design transforms the city into a natural sponge to prevent flooding  After a thunderstorm…

Fighting Ecofascism in Natural Resource Policy

Destroying the myth of the Tragedy of the Commons We are familiar with the opposing…

Building Resilience to Climate Change in Lapland

For more like this, read a feature on Hindu Kush Himalayan communities as they adapt…

Bringing Energy Close to the People 

As political priorities shift in Europe, can the Green Deal sustain momentum? With the green…

The EU Moves Towards Effective Biowaste Management

“Catch the HOOP” – the European hub for circular bio-economy implementers Almost half of global…
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