Sustainable India

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Going Beyond India’s Great ‘Jugaad’

Jugaad – a creative quick fix – is great but we need more complex solutions when it comes to long-term sustainability.

Moving Towards Circularity in India’s Building Sector

Across India, developers and planners are balancing ambitious decarbonization goals with rapid urbanization demands.

The Value of Building with Mud

A return to traditional construction methods offers a number of benefits, especially when it comes…

Climate Action and Climate Justice in India

India’s ongoing climate action and transition to renewable energies is deeply intertwined with entrenched social, economic and political inequalities.

The Unseen Polluter

Noise pollution is hidden and rarely measured, yet increasingly harmful to the environment. According to…

Connecting Culture and Ecology in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

A rich ecosystem in southern India shows the effects of climate change, growing urbanization and lack of ecological sensitivity.

Ensuring India’s Clean Energy Transition is Just 

Developing economies walk a fine line between transitioning to clean energy and ensuring equitability. There…

Overcoming Barriers to Energy Access in Rural India

Access to electricity has improved in the last 20 years, but economic and cultural barriers to clean cooking energy in India remain.

On Affordable and Inclusive Mobility in India

Aishwarya Raman discusses how urbanization lacks accessible and inclusive mobility, but there are hopeful solutions ahead.

People x Projects: Engaging Local Communities

When it comes to mobility planning, input from local residents is key to addressing community needs.

The Status of Urban Water in India

REVOLVE asks its Strategic Partner, Kubernein Initiative, for insights into the dynamics around the value…

A Hydro Case for Regional Cooperation 

Balancing future growth ambitions with an ecologically rich river basin in a politically charged region.

Brahmaputra’s Journey through Assam 

As the river Brahmaputra flows through Assam, it forms an indispensable relationship with all that it touches and sustains.

Conservation in the Nilgiris Mountains

Traditional livelihoods and environmental stewardship contribute to conservation efforts in the Nilgiris mountains of southern India.

Environmental Changemakers of Mumbai: Tales of Local Heroes

In a megacity like Mumbai citizens have always taken the lead to plug gaps and show that change can be brought about through determination and the work of ordinary people.

Into The Lagoons Of Lakshadweep

Vulnerable acroporid reefs host a diverse array of species that are intricately connected.

Otters: Conserving Lesser-Known Wildlife

Wildlife conservation is intricately linked with the health of surrounding ecosystems.

City Investments To Innovate, Integrate and Sustain

12 cities in India making big strides to be more sustainable.