
Transformative Digitalization in the Food Industry

Harnessing the power of digital twins, AI, and blockchain to revolutionize the food supply chain.…
9 Apr 2024

5th Global Food Security Conference

Towards equitable, sustainable and resilient food systems. Food system activities are increasing putting pressure on…
8 Sep 2024

LCA Food 2024

The 14th International Conference on Quantitative Sustainability Assessment of Food (LCA Food) is focused on…
1 Sep 2024

The 75th EEAP Annual Meeting

The Italian Association for Animal Science and Production proudly hosts the 75th annual meeting of…
13 Feb 2024

Global Food Forum 2024

Over the past four years, several crises have significantly impacted our world, prompting a reassessment…
24 Jan 2024

Towards Climate-Smart Livestock Systems

Livestock production clearly contributes to climate change, but it is also affected by changing climates.…