
Rethinking our energy needs

5 Dec 2019

Horizon 2020 Heart Project Workshop

The ambition bar has been set quite high when the new European Commission President shared…
6 Nov 2019

Medreg Forum

On 6 November in Brussels, MEDREG held its energy Forum entitled “At the Forefront of…

Reality Check on the Energiewende

During the UN climate negotiations at the 23rd Conference of the Parties (CoP) in Bonn…

Can Local Authorities Lead the Transition to Carbon Neutrality?

In these turbulent times of climatic, economic and social uncertainty, communities and local authorities can…

Buildings as Material Banks: Towards a Low-Carbon Capital Region

The Brussels Region is not a territorial entity that can exploit massive larger sources of…

Is a Global Grid Possible?

The Vision of an Interconnected World The energy transition demands a radical change in infrastructure…

Leading the Energy Transition

A Call to the EUSEW Community It is my pleasure to welcome you to the…

Decarbonization, Decentralization and Digitalization in the Mediterranean

Energy cooperation between different markets requires a convergence of regulation amongst the energy sectors. The…

Beyond Coal: How People Power Will Transform Europe’s Energy System

We are facing a climate crisis. Transforming Europe’s energy system has never been more urgent,…

Health Renovations: A Sensible Climate Revolution

The climate case for renovating Europe’s energy-inefficient building stock is almost too well known to…

Launching the Market for Sustainable Energy Assets

Speeding-up project deployment and unlocking finance at scale, faster and further, is necessary to accelerate…

What Next for Energy in Africa?

On 12 September 2018, during his speech on the State of the Union, European Commission…

Energy Futures at the Edge of the World

Europe’s energy future is already a reality on Scotland’s remote Orkney islands, where cutting-edge renewable…

Medener: The Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management

The Mediterranean region is blessed with a wealth of natural resources, including renewable energy sources…

Taking to the Streets

Redefining climate action and the climate vocabulary.

The Energy Transition, Power Lines and People

A Great Opportunity for New European Leaders The European energy landscape is experiencing a huge…

Could Social Housing Be the First to Decarbonize?

Deep renovation of Europe’s building stock is necessary to reach ambitious climate change targets. But…

Biomass: The Role of Science and Science-Based Policy-Making

Strengthening scientific knowledge and science-based policy-making is crucial to advancing research and innovation and securing…

Removing Barriers to Renewable Transport Fuels

How has the bioenergy sector – particularly in transport – developed over the past decade?…
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