
Refreshing our water resources

On Water Polluter Responsibility

Water operators have one goal: to keep water safe and clean. European water operators spend…

Small Island Developing States

Small, Strong and Resilient

Mediterranean Shores

Photographer Kevin Scarlet takes us on his travels to Greece and Tunisia

Providing Drinking Water for Gaza

There are three principal causes of water scarcity. 1) physical scarcity: when there is insufficient…

Let Nature Do the Job

The head of WWAP sheds light on the power of nature-based solutions for sustainable water…

Protecting the Mediterranean and Its Biodiversity

What is MedPAN? MedPAN is a network of managers of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in…


Water is the very foundation of life on Earth

Cleaning Up Lake Bizerte

After decades of urban and industrial pollution, Lake Bizerte will have fresher waters again, with…

Promoting Water Cooperation in the Wana Region

Water is clearly recognised as a scarce resource in many parts of the WANA (West…

Understanding the UfM Water Agenda

At the end of April 2017, ministers in charge of water from the 43 UfM…

Bull Sharks

Istanbul: City of Water

Sustainability challenge for megacities Istanbul is a clear example of the sustainability challenges facing humanity…

Governance of Europe’s Waters

The European Water Framework Directive is a successful – although imperfect – model for international…


Comprising a series of similar shots of water in motion...

Investing in Water Around the Mena

There is a looming water crisis that is beginning to manifest itself in very serious…

The Rhone and the Power of Its Waters

Managing and protecting a great European river. The Rhone, like all great rivers, brings risks…

Yemen: The Story of Nothing

Aid agencies and international NGOs warn that almost...

Douzinas: On the Crisis and Resistance

Excerpts from an interview by Slovenian journalist, Boštjan Videmšek, about the European crisis and popular…

An Integrated Vision of Water Resources Management

For any civilization, adequate water resources are essential to survival. The great civilizations of Mesoamerica…
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