The Most Crucial Time to Be Covering Climate Change and Action
For the past 10 years, REVOLVE has been committed to fostering cultures of sustainability in our corners of the world while supporting the work and efforts of our partners and others in the energy transition.
This is why we are committed to #CoveringClimateNow: we do it every day in communicating sustainability.
We need more trees, more green, no plastic and a revolving adaptation towards less not more
Stuart Reigeluth, Founder of REVOLVE
We have joined more than 200 news outlets from around the world with a combined audience of hundreds of millions of people who have now signed up for Covering Climate Now, a project co-founded by the Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation aimed at strengthening the media’s focus on the climate crisis.
Alongside all outlets we have committed to running a week’s worth of climate coverage in the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on Sept. 23. At that meeting, the world’s governments will submit plans to meet the Paris Agreement’s pledge to keep global temperature rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius.
“The need for solid climate coverage has never been greater,” said Kyle Pope, CJR’s editor and publisher. “We’re proud that so many organizations from across the US and around the world have joined with Covering Climate Now to do our duty as journalists—to report this hugely important story.”
Covering Climate Now ranks as one of the most ambitious efforts ever to organize the world’s media around a single coverage topic. In addition to The Guardian—the lead media partner in Covering Climate Now—CJR and The Nation are joined by major newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasters, and global news and photo agencies in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Among the outlets represented are: Bloomberg; CBS News; El País; the Asahi Shimbun; La Repubblica; The Times of India; Getty Images; Agence France-Presse; national public TV broadcasters in Italy, Sweden, and the United States; most of the biggest public radio stations in the US; scholarly journals such as Nature, Science, and the Harvard Business Review; and publications such as Vanity Fair, HuffPost, BuzzFeed News, and The Daily Beast. Covering Climate Now also includes a wide array of local news outlets and non-profit websites reporting from Rhode Island, Nevada, Turkey, Togo, and dozens of places in between.
“Collaboration with like-minded colleagues makes both journalistic and business sense in today’s media environment, and The Nation is happy to encourage such collaboration and proud to share our climate coverage as part of this exciting initiative,” said Katrina vanden Heuvel, publisher of The Nation.