Supporting Green Entrepreneurs in the MENA region

11 September 2024 - // Features
Giorgio Mosangini
Team Leader, SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurship & Civil Society at the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production

Green Entrepreneurs are one of the main drivers of job creation and contribute to the move towards more sustainable lifestyles.

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region faces major economic challenges, such as the highest unemployment rate and the lowest women’s labor force in the world. The MENA region is also confronting major environmental challenges, including climate change, water scarcity, land degradation, pollution and waste management.

At the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), we are convinced that Green Entrepreneurs are one of the main drivers of job creation and to move towards more sustainable lifestyles. Indeed, Green Start-Ups create economic value and also environmental and social value, successfully addressing employment needs and environmental challenges. Thus, through the SwitchMed initiative box, we are developing a training and
supporting program promoting Green Entrepreneurship in eight MENA countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Lebanon.

Training of trainers on green entrepreneurship, Morocco. Photo: SCP/RAC

To date, more than 1,300 Green Entrepreneurs have been selected (out of 3,500 applicants) in the eight countries and already started or completed the training program. During a period of three months, they are supported for the development and the testing of their Green Business Models. The best Green Business Models are then selected to take part in an incubation program. In the next two years, we expect to train up to a total of 2,400 Green Entrepreneurs and support the creation of 45 Green Start-Ups in the eight countries.

Stories from Green Entrepreneurs that have developed ecological and social innovative solutions that are making an impact on the circular economy and sustainable living in the Mediterranean are promoted through The Switchers platform.

Amount of Green Entrepreneurs trained in the MENA region.
Giorgio Mosangini
Team Leader, SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurship & Civil Society at the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production

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