
4 Mar 2019



What are the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)?

The clean energy transition is taking on a new dynamic in Europe and worldwide. “Energy efficiency first” and “global leadership in renewables” are at the centre of this transformation process. This requires strong policies, competitive businesses, technology innovation, investments and the involvement of the citizens. By addressing these topics and more, the annual World Sustainable Energy Days attract over 660 participants from over 50 countries each year.

Who attends the event?
  • A wide range of business actors engaged in the energy transition: technology and equipment companies, energy companies, service providers, planners, developers, financing sector etc.
  • the sustainable energy research community
  • representatives from public bodies (e.g. EU institutions, national, regional and local governments, energy agencies)
  • Over 660 experts each year from more than 60 countries!
Value for your time!

In just 3 days, you can profit from a comprehensive package:

  • up-to-date information on markets, policies, technologies, financing, business models, research and case studies
  • hands-on experience through technical site visits
  • a tradeshow with 1,600 exhibiting companies
  • new business opportunities
  • valuable networking possibilities
  • Austrian hospitality!
Event website


4 Mar


