Culture Jam on Soil Literacy: REVOLVE Magazine’s 51st Issue Launch

Spring issue on ecosystems and soil literacy
Panel discussion on Healthy soils & healthy water for a healthy future
18:30 – 20:00
Nest City Lab, C/ dels Almogàvers, 138, Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona (map)
Healthy soils and secure sources of water are crucial in our quest for climate resilience. Soils host over 25% of the world’s biodiversity, they nourish our crops, they clean our water and store vast amounts of carbon and yet 60% of soil in the EU is classed as degraded. Water shortages lay bare our need to change our we manage and distribute this increasingly precious resource. Join us for a solutions-driven panel discussion on soil and water through the prisms of sustainable farming, agricultural incentives, water governance models, policy and much more!
18:30 – 19:30 Panel discussion |
Teresa Gimeno, Researcher, CREAF Teresa is a researcher at the research centre CREAF. She holds a PhD in Conservation of Natural Resources and has worked for multiple public research institutions in Spain, France, and Australia throughout her career. In her research, she examines how vegetation responds to global change drivers, primarily climate change and changes in land use. She combines experiments, observational studies, and modelling to predict how our ecosystems will respond to future climatic conditions. |
Oliver Goshey, Farm Transition Facilitator, Climate Farmers Oliver Goshey is a small farmer, regenerative project designer, and watershed restoration specialist with experience in over 20 countries. In his work with Climate Farmers he works with a growing community of farmers around Europe developing educational resources and support mechanisms in their transition to regenerative management of their land. |
Carlos Ortiz, Fertilization and Manure Treatment Office, Generalitat de Catalunya Carlos holds a PhD in Agronomy from the University of Lleida (UdL). He specialized in soil, water, and waste management, with knowledge of related legislation. He currently leads the Fertilization and Manure Treatment Office of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda in Catalonia, which is responsible for coordinating the improvement of manure management and bringing agricultural knowledge closer to the local level. |
Moderator REVOLVE journalist: Marta Castillo, an environmental journalist who is actively involved in soil and agroecology-related projects. |
19:30 – 19:45 | Q&A |
19:45 – 20:00 | NBSOIL Project learning and facilitation tools showcase |
20:00 – 21:00 | Drinks & Networking |