Urban Logistics

Transforming Indian Cities Through Safer Streets 

Discover how non-motorized transport is transforming Indian cities with safer streets and vibrant public spaces.…

Evolving Urban Mobility in Oman

Getting off the highway and onto the bus in Oman The 15-minute city is “an…
14 Nov 2022

Transport Research Arena 2022

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the largest European research and technology conference on transport…

Reshaping the Future of Transportation

The pandemic, lockdowns and economic fallout brought to light the inadequacies of systems and processes…

The Modernisation of Transport: Where Mobility Meets Energy Efficiency

The modernisation and democratisation of means of transports have radically changed our perception of distances…

Serving Mobility

Polis reports how cities don’t shy away from new technologies to achieve more sustainable mobility.…

Evolving Urban Logistics

Getting Around, Futures for Urban Logistics Logistics may be the life-blood of cities yet burdens…

Catching a Ride

As sharing gains momentum in the field of transport, there is no lack of bright…

Urban Cable- The Missing Link?

From the USA to Europe, from North Africa to Asia, the urban cable car is…

Europe 2030 – Cleaner Buses

A reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% below the 1990 level.  A target…