
Transforming Satellite Data into Action

Lluís Pesquer, a researcher at CREAF, explores the power of satellite imagery and digital twins…

Empathy Holds the Power to Humanize Science

Bridging science and society demands empathy, clear communication, and a shared commitment to accessible knowledge…

Decarbonizing Aviation: Opportunity or Challenge? 

The aviation sector must tackle both soaring emissions and growing flight demand by embracing sustainable…

Sustainable Fuels for Aviation

Researchers race to develop and certify sustainable aviation fuels made of biowaste to meet EU…

There is No Energy Transition

Sans Transition, Une nouvelle histoire de l’energie Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2024. 408 pages.…

Finding Opportunities in Post-crisis China

Several months after the COVID-19 peak in China, the country has been working intensively to…

Almar: Deploying Water Solutions Globally

2019 has been an important year for Almar Water Solutions. After three intense years of…