
17 Feb - 18 Mar



Coimbra, Portugal

56 partners met to mark the start of RESIST, a 5-year EU-funded project that has one overarching objective: to make regions in Europe more resilient to the negative effects of climate change. Coordinated by SINTEF and INNOVA+, RESIST identifies and tests viable climate change adaptation solutions in four leading regions which are referred to as large-scale demonstrators (LSDs). The 4 LSDs are Southeast Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.

RESIST’s methodological approach. Source: REVOLVE.

The outcomes will be transferred to 8 twinned regions with the help of digital twins (a technology through which we can make simulations and predict the impact of proposed solutions). The identified solutions will be specific to the unique characteristics of the region and their implementation will involve a range of stakeholders, with a strong focus on citizen involvement. “Within RESIST, the adaptations to climate change will be driven by regions, civil society, businesses and local research and entrepreneurial communities, always addressing region-specific needs and challenges”, explains the Operational Coordinator of RESIST

RESIST project partners meeting in Coimbra, Portugal. Photo: Márcia de Oliveira, CIM RC


17 Feb - 18 Mar



Coimbra, Portugal