Nature for Life Hub 2024

30 September - 3 October 2024 Online All Events

The Nature for Life Hub is a leading virtual event and global communications campaign hosted annually by the United Nations Development Programme and its partners. Together we work to put nature at the heart of sustainable development by convening world leaders, businesses, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, youth leaders and activists to take ambitious action on nature.

REVOLVE is a proud partner of the Nature For Life Hub ‘Reimagining Our Future’ campaign. Visual content from our projects will be shared during the 4 days of the event, thus having a high international visibility.

Day 1: Nature revolution: Shifting gears in policy and practice

This theme focuses on revising policies and implementing impactful actions at the governmental and local levels.  Imagine a revolution in the way we manage our environment – a complete overhaul of existing approaches to ensure nature thrives alongside society.  Day 1 will explore how we can shift gears to make this revolution a reality.

Day 2: Rewriting the rules: Investing in a nature-positive economy

This theme focuses on transforming economic models to incentivize sustainable practices and reframe economic growth. Imagine a world where the value we place on nature is reflected in how we do business. Day 2 will explore how we can rewrite the rules of the game, making investment in a nature-positive economy the new standard.

Day 3: Restoring balance: Reimagining our relationship with nature

This theme explores ways to foster a deeper connection and respect for the natural world. Imagine a future where we view ourselves as stewards of nature, not just consumers of its resources. Day 3 will dive into how we can reimagine our relationship with nature, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for its well-being.