
21 Mar 2023


Online on LinkedIn

Europe is home to a vast number of husbandry systems, from extensive to intensive. In the context of the EU Green Deal’s Farm to Fork Strategy amidst tumultuous socio-political pressures – from food security to fertilizer crises and mounting sustainability-related demands from consumers– what is the role of livestock in more sustainable food systems and how can today’s research and innovation in husbandry get us there?

On March 21, REVOLVE hosted an online LinkedIn event roundtable with experts from four research and innovation projects dedicated to husbandry for quality and sustainability, and discussed how livestock are crucial to food system redesign.

The roundtable addressed key points including:

  • Why do we need more sustainable food systems and what is the role of livestock?
  • How do consumer expectations enhance the need for transparency and influence production systems?
  • Is there a link between animal welfare and quality of the product?


  • Bruno Martin – INRAE
    INTAQT coordinator
  • Laurence Smith – SLU
    PATHWAYS co-coordinator
  • Maria Anastasi – CyRIC
    Code Re-Farm communication
  • Mariana Couto – Ecovalia
    mEATquality communication


  • Stuart Reigeluth
    Founder of REVOLVE

Watch the recording of the roundtable here

Share your vote in the cover contest!

Our Issue #47 of REVOLVE Magazine explores how research and innovation in livestock husbandry can enable more sustainable food systems.

We have put together a selection of possible covers for the next issue of REVOLVE Magazine.


21 Mar



Online on LinkedIn