
22 - 23

Mar 2023


Brussels, Belgium

This event will enable all projects funded under the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe to present to a wider audience of policy stakeholders, such as representatives from European Commission services and Mission Board members. Jump-Start the Mission Soil will also shape collaborations with other Mission Soil projects, initiatives and bodies including the EUSO; as well as identify potential activities where there are mutual interests and where enhanced cooperation can produce synergies and ultimately maximize impacts.

European Union official banner of the Mission Soil | Source: European Commission

The NBSOIL project will be represented by its Coordinator Grzegorz Siebielec from the Institution of Soil Science and Plant and Cultivation- IUGN-PBL (Poland). The purpose of the project is to create and test a learning pathway for existing and aspiring soil advisors and to provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to develop a holistic and nature-based solutions approach to the soil.



22 - 23

Mar 2023


Brussels, Belgium