
27 - 28

Oct 2022


Nîmes, France

Year two of the AWFT – Nîmes Forum will build on conversations and outcomes of #AWFT21. Along with information regarding UN SDGs and Target 2030. This event focuses on the “HOW” to transform the travel industry sustainably versus mere influencing and advocacy. “HOW” means with whom?

Employees, communities, travelers will be in the heart of this edition.

Over two days and two nights dignitaries, academicians, politicians, heads of global business and industries that touch the traveller will meet in the convivial setting of Nîmes, France which is in the heart of the Occitane region of Southern France. #AWFT22 will intersperse case studies as a way of showcasing best practices and lessons learned.



27 - 28

Oct 2022


Nîmes, France