
17 - 19

Nov 2021



From 17-19 November 2021, the 3rd Agroforestry Europe Forum will take place, with sessions online and in person in Barcelona, Spain. Hosted by Agroecology Europe, the Forum will explore the role of agroecology in climate action, how the CAP can support agroecology, how to transition towards a healthier food system post-COVID, agroecology in education, local policy for healthy diets, social justice in agroecological systems, feminism and agroecology, and plenty more!

With participants ranging from local farmers, FAO and EU representatives, universities, social movement organisations, local administrations, and NGOs, the three-day forum offers a variety of panel discussions, interactive sessions, and field visits, bringing together stakeholders to design agroecology systems that “regenerate our food systems and communities, and enhance biodiversity”.

REVOLVE will participate in the session on ‘Territorialised agroecological food systems: linking production with consumption’, offering their insights as the communications leaders of AGROMIX – a Horizon 2020 project that uses on-the-ground experience to advance research in mixed farming and agroforestry, driving the transition towards regenerative land use.

A variety of event passes are available; see here for the full agenda and to register!


17 - 19

Nov 2021

