PRIMARY: Defenders of Wounded Forests
Forests that can best withstand
Established in 2010, REVOLVE inspires climate action by keeping you informed about the circular economy, ecosystem restoration, the energy transition, sustainable mobility and water resources.
REVOLVE's quarterly magazine is an award-winning publication providing different angles on sustainability.
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RUIDO Photo is a documentary photo organization based in Barcelona, Spain dedicated to highlighting global social issues from a human rights and social justice perspective.
RUIDO creates photographic reports, journalistic chronicles and documentary video. In addition, it distributes these materials through awareness and educational campaigns that include street exhibitions, public talks, educational workshops, print publications, web products and social media campaigns. Since 2004, its members have been covering conflicts and human rights violations in more than 25 countries around the world, aiming to generate empathy and critical reflection through the power of the image and personal stories.
RUIDO Photo projects received awards such as Picture of the Year international (POYi), Premio Ortega y Gasset de Periodismo (El Pais), Best photography book at POYlatam, or the Documenting Human Migrations Grant by National Geographic Society.
Forests that can best withstand
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