Mariam Younés

Freelance researcher, translator, and writer

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Mariam Younés is a German-Lebanese freelance researcher, translator, and writer with a focus on history, politics, and society in Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. She currently works as communication officer at REVOLVE Media and as a projects and research coordinator at the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action. Mariam is the author of “Die Revolution des 17. Oktobers: Ursachen, Verlauf und Ziele der Massenproteste im Libanon” (“The Revolution of October 17th: Causes, course and objectives of the mass protests in Lebanon”) published by Unrast-Publications in 2021. She lives in Beirut, Lebanon.

Weaponising Water in Palestine

In Palestine, water shortages are driven by politics rather than availability. Water shortages in the Palestinian territories have worsened since…

Water Scarcity in Lebanon and its Impact on the Agricultural Sector

Abundance and scarcity in a fragile balance impacting agriculture and communities. “There was a river, And it has two banks,…