Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda

Professor of chemical engineering at the University of Girona and senior researcher for the LEQUiA-UdG

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Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda has almost thirty years of experience in water research and development, particularly in the field of biological wastewater treatment. A pioneer in using artificial intelligence in the environmental field, he has participated in national and international research projects on water reuse, modelling, monitoring, optimising the use of membranes for sanitation or purification, eliminating emerging pollutants, natural treatments and developing decision-making support systems to evaluate and compare alternatives based on multiple criteria. He has also led several development cooperation projects aimed at improving access to drinking water and sanitation in vulnerable communities. Furthermore, he coordinates the Master’s Degree in Science and Technology of Water Resources at the University of Girona.

Improving Water Management in Tourism Facilities

Coupled with growing water scarcity around the Mediterranean, high water and energy consumption is a major challenge for the sustainable…