Barbara Anton
Urban Water Management expert at ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.
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Urban Water Management expert at ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.
Belonging to the ICLEI European Secretariat’s team dealing with Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, Barbara Anton is focusing on the theme of urban water management. Her responsibilities include the elaboration of concepts and strategies to foster integrated approaches; knowledge brokerage between science, policy and practice; political advocacy; and the development and implementation of capacity-building programmes, incl. the related materials, all mainly targeting local governments as key actors in the provision of water and waste water services and in managing stormwater at local level.
In these capacities, Barbara has collaborated with local politicians and practitioners as well as with other stakeholders in the water sector both in Europe as well as globally. Amongst others, she has provided policy advice and contributed to global stakeholder consultations in the water sector, e.g. to the local and regional authorities processes during the 5th and 7th World Water Forum in Turkey and South Korea respectively. She also led the development of a comprehensive toolkit on Integrated Urban Water Management that can be found online on the SWITCH Training Desk.
Furthermore, Barbara is intensively involved in issues closely related to water such as nature-based solutions, green-blue infrastructures, climate change adaptation, urban agriculture and food policies as well as cross-cutting themes such as governance incl. stakeholder engagement.
Water is essential wherever people decide to settle. It is indispensable for maintaining all kind of life, be it flora, fauna or humankind. It is one of the most precious resources on earth, but it is not available ubiquitously.
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