India Circular Economy Forum (ICEF2024)

11 - 12 July 2024 New Delhi, India All Events

ICEF2024 – a Bigger, Better, and Bolder approach!

As we gear up for the next edition of the India Circular Economy Forum, #ICEF2024 is poised to continue its pivotal role as a platform for dialogue and knowledge creation. Industry pioneers and leaders from diverse sectors will converge to share the latest research and innovations, driving the transition from a take-make-waste economy.

Organized by the International Council for Circular Economy in collaboration with Grant Thornton Bharat LLP (Knowledge Partner) and the Women for India Foundation (Zero Waste Partner), ICEF2024 promises an exclusive gathering in Delhi, accessible by invitation only. The forum unveils influential circular solutions crafted by global visionaries, guided by cutting-edge scientific insights. Dive into focused discussions on governance, finance, employment, business, and innovation – the pillars driving the adoption of circular solutions.

This year’s theme is ‘Emerging Technology and Innovation in Industry for Circular Transition’.

REVOLVE are proud Media Partners.

Read more from this event with our opinion piece by Shreya Jain on Advancing India’s Circular Mission as well as our feature by Hritik Bhasin on India’s Innovation and Technology Landscape for a Circular Economy.