Oriana Romano

Head of Unit, Water Governance, Blue Economy and Circular Economy at OECD

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Oriana Romano is the Head of Unit, Water Governance and Circular Economy, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. She leads the OECD Water Governance programme, which she joined in 2013, as well as the OECD Programme on Circular Economy in Cities and Regions, which she created in 2018. Before joining the OECD, she was a lecturer in Environmental Economics at the “Centre for International Business and Sustainability” (CIBS), London Metropolitan University and the Department of Social Science of the University “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy. She holds a Ph.D in “Institution, Economics and Law of Public Services”.

Water Governance in Cities

What are the challenges for the future? At a time when most of the world’s population is living in urban…